IFS 104 Archive

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IFS 104


Sun Feb 4, 2007

The term project is due at noon.

super bowl... yow, bill


Fri Feb 2, 2007

Final Exam! The Final is:

  • Worth 30% of your grade,
  • Comprehensive with a strong emphasis on Chapters 4-6 and second half lecture material,
  • About 1/3 written and 2/3 problem-solving in the lab,
  • Similar in format to the Midterm (if you haven't caught on to that one yet)

You may bring 1 side of 1 page of notes to the exam.

Time will be a factor, so don't show up late!

done... yow, bill

PS - there will be an optional Final Exam study session Thursday at 9:20 pm... we'll meet on the 2nd floor of Carnegie and then pick a lab.


Wed Jan 31, 2007

Homework #6 is due at the beginning of class. We preview the Final Exam.

yow, bill

PS - My solution to homework #5 is available on the k: drive.


Mon Jan 29, 2007

Homework #5 is due.

Read Chapter 6. We'll talk about Chapter 6 and some "special topics".

yow, bill


Fri Jan 26, 2007

We'll continue working on Chapter 5.

yow, bill


Wed Jan 24, 2007

Homework #4 is due. Homework #5 is posted.

Please read Chapter 5. We'll have a quiz on this material, and then some tasty lecture.

bear down... yow, bill


Mon Jan 22, 2007

I should have the midterms graded. Heck, I'll do it during the Bears stirring playoff victory to advance to the Super Bowl, right.

We'll go over the midterm results and lecture on Chapter 4.

no jinx... yow, bill

PS - Homework #4 is posted!


Fri Jan 19, 2007

Ah, the Midterm exam. It's:

  • 30 percent of your final grade
  • Chapters 1-3 of the book and anything we've covered in lecture as well... like web pages and Excel, for example
  • 1/3 written, 2/3 solving problems in the lab

PLEASE NOTE: You are allowed/encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes for use during the exam.

study harder... yow, bill


Wed Jan 17, 2007

We'll prep for the Midterm.

We'll have a quiz on Chapter 4 and then chat about it.

yow, bill

PS - The term project description is available on the homework page.


Mon Jan 15, 2007

Homework #3 is due.

In lecture, we'll wrap Chapter 3, and then I'll wet your beak on Chapter 4.

yow, bill

PS - Web site of the day: www.acronymfinder.com


Fri Jan 12, 2007

We'll wrap Chapter 3... some lab time to work on homework #3. I'll also cover the "make your own web page" stuff in class.

enjoy dot com... yow, bill


Wed Jan 10, 2007

Read Chapter 3, please. We'll have a tiny quiz in class... promise.

Homework #2 is due!

dop... yow, bill

PS - Homework #3 is posted


Mon Jan 8, 2007

We'll wrapup Chapters 1 and 2 with some tasty lecture, and then head up to lab.

Homework #1 is due!

go... yow, bill


Fri Jan 5, 2007

Read Chapter 2... we'll have a short quiz. You can use your notes.

After the quiz, I'll lecture on Chapter 2.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - My office hours are listed on the My Office Door page on my Noctrl site.


Wed Jan 3, 2007

We'll meet, greet and start in on Chapter 1. I hope to traipse up to the lab for a few minutes as well. Homework #1 is posted.

thanks... yow, bill


Wed Dec 20, 2006

Start this site.

Our first class is Wednesday January 3rd 2007, from 9:20am - 10:30,  in Carnegie 13.

enjoy... yow, bill