CSC 469 Programs

First off, there are three of my Dry Technical Notes that you Java coders of all age may be interested in:

  •  DTN 3 - Some coding guidelines
  •  DTN 4 - Java starter for C++ coders
  •  DTN 5 - Java special topics: sockets, threads, GUI and more!

I'll ask that you use the coding guidelines in DTN 3. If you know C++, but not Java, then DTN 4 may be of interest. And finally, we'll be doing "special" things in Java... DTN 5 may be of assistance.

OK, the nitty gritty...

Name [Page] Assigned Due My Solution
Program #1 - YOUTP [ program01.pdf ] Jan 9, 2007 Jan 23, 2007 Prof Bill's solution
Program #2 - RDT [ program02.pdf ] Jan 30, 2007 Feb 15, 2007 Prof Bill's solution
Program #3 - P2P Application [ program03.pdf ] Jan 30, 2007 Mar 10, 2007 ???

thanks... yow, bill  


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