CSC 469 Favorites

Our textbook

The publisher's site for Kurose & Ross is at:

There are some fun applets with which to play:,9212,1406348-content,00.html

You can use your access code from the first page of our textbook to get other goodies... and there are a lot of them:

  •  Programming assignment and Ethereal help
  •  A long list of the authors' favorite web sites
  •  Self-assessment quizzes, etc.

Here are some tasty links, by chapter/section.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Section 1.1 Introduction

Section 1.2 The Network Edge

Section 1.3 The Network Core

Section 1.4 Access Networks

Section 1.5 ISP's and Internet Backbones

Section 1.6 Delay

 Section 1.7 Protocol layers

 Section 1.8 History

Chapter 2 Application Layer

 Section 2.1 Application Layer

  • - is a convenient whois web site, actually discussed on page 174 in the homework problems for Chapter 2.
  • - a fancy ping, huh? Actually, I've used it. It works. And, it's pretty fun.
  • - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority... they have a list of the popular TCP numbers and supposedly throw an awesome Christmas party.

 Section 2.2 HTTP

 Section 2.4 Email

 Section 2.5 DNS

 Section 2.6 P2P

Chapter 3 Transport Layer

 Section 3.1 Transport layer

 Section 3.2 Mux/Demux'ing

  • - many descriptions of muxes in the world of combinational logic (ala CSC 220, if you've had it)... I don't know if this will help you understand mux'ing in the transport layer or not.
  • - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority site... click on "Most Popular Links" to find a (long) list of assigned port numbers.

 Section 3.3 UDP

Chapter 4 Network Layer

Section 4.1 Intro

Section 4.3 Routers

Section 4.4 IP

Section 4.5 Routing algorithms

Section 4.6 Internet Routing

Chapter 5 Link Layer

Section 5.2 Error detection and correction


We'll use the uber-cool packet sniffer Ethereal as part of some of our homeworks.


The best is for the Java 5.0 API. The yummiest!

If you want to download Java for your home computer, start here: ... the top-most link (it currently says "Get the JDK Download" is usually what you want. Java is already on all the lab computers.

You can (usually) improve your productivity by using an Intergrated Development Environment (IDE) when coding in Java. Most of our lab computers have two available: JGrasp and NetBeans. You have to click on "Start" and search.

Here are links to JGrasp, NetBeans and Eclipse (another really popular IDE):

  • - JGrasp is my favorite because it's so tiny:
  • - Many people like Sun's NetBeans, it offer more functionality at the expense of complexity and control... it can be downloaded with the Sun Java compiler/libraries at:
  • - Eclipse is really big, but really popular in industry:

Here's an open source Java textbook:

Other schools

Here's our networking course at other fine institutions of which you may have heard:


Here are some category-less links. Enjoy!

Ray Kurzweil is my favorite CS guy and author. "The Singularity is Near" is great, fun reading chock-full of research and crazy predictions and whatever: ... click on Resources for some links to the latest technology news.

Acronyms abound... here's some help if you need it:

thanks... yow, bill


email course home last updated index.htm 02/22/2007 12:19 PM