CSC 469 Archive

Some old news...

Tue Mar 13, 2007

Our Final Exam is:

  •  Tuesday March 13 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm... same, old room. Please note that this is a half hour before our normal meeting time.
  •  Worth 30% of your final grade.
  •  Comprehensive! Approximately 10 points on Chapter 5 and grad student lectures, then 10 points each on the material from Exams 1 and 2.
  •  You may be three sides of notes... presumably two of the sides will come from your Exam 1 and 2 efforts.

run... yow, bill


Sun Mar 11, 2007

I heartily invite you to:

Clump-a-palooza 2007

Sunday March 11, 6:00 pm

Pizza, Drinks, P2P chat

We'll try to P2P chat, ala Program #3, and I'll take any/all Final Exam questions as well.

see ya... yow, bill


Thu Mar 8, 2007

README! I have updated the Program #3 notes per last night's conversation: Program #3 Notes, Rev 3

Our last day of regular, old class:

  •  Please complete the Ethernet Ethereal lab, just questions 1-10, for our last homework point. You can skip the ARP stuff. I will distribute the handouts in class. I highly recommend you print out the two packets that are the focus of the lab to make your life easier. Some of the magic to do this:
    •  File/Print... Plain text... not to a file... selected packet only
    •  Setup the packet information you want displayed before printing, then select "As displayed"
    •  "Printer Properties"... set to Landscape
  •  My favorite Grad students will present short lectures on material very pertinent to the Final Exam.
  •  We'll do some of the homework problems in Chapter 5 together.
  •  We'll preview the Final Exam. Details coming soon...
  •  We'll plan a weekend rendezvous for Program #3 and take on any/all questions remaining.

...yow, bill


Tue Mar 6, 2007

README! First and foremost... the latest, greatest Program #3 Notes, Rev 2

I'll finish lecture on Chapter 5, I hope.

We'll spend the end of class yelling at each other about Program #3. He he!

is that the finish line... yow, bill


Thu Mar 1, 2007

Big, big agenda:

  •  I hope to have your exams graded.
  •  I will check that you are halfway through with Program #3.
  •  We'll wrap Chapter 4 and move down to the Link Layer and Chapter 5.
  •  Grad students: your lecture notes/slides/whatever are due.

week 9, no way...yow, bill

PS - Don't miss the Program #3 notes below!


Tue Feb 27, 2007

I expect the whole Exam #2 experience to be very similar to Exam #1, with one exception. Go:

  •  Worth 20% of your final grade
  •  Covers Chapters 3 Transport Layer, 4 Network Layer (minus section 4.7), Program #2, Ethereal homework on TCP, and homework problems at the end of the chapters
  •  90 minutes long
  •  Bring one side of one page of notes to the exam

After the exam, I will powwow (en homage to Chief Illiniwek) with anyone who wishes some Program #3 patter.

45 going on 18...yow, bill


Fri Feb 23, 2007

Special! Here are the notes from our Thursday discussion of Program #3:

Program #3 Notes

Thanks to Robert K for the note-taking. Email me with comments... preferably comments containing solutions.

design...yow, bill

PS - Special #2... I have added a method testByteBufferForStrings() to There is no getString() or putString() method in the ByteBuffer class, this little method shows you how to put a String into a Bytebuffer and back again. I think we may need this to send commands (as Strings) through UDP. It's in the program03 folder on the k: drive, or right here:


Thu Feb 22, 2007

Sprint to the finish:

  1. Homework #4 is due by the beginning of class... we'll discuss it per usual.
  2. We'll preview the midterm, which has been moved to Tuesday the 27th.
  3. Onward and upward to Chapter 5!
  4. Program #3... you're required to have one of two things:
    •  Your program #3 description. You can work in pairs if you like.
    •  Your notes and suggestions for the class chat protocol.

huff puff...yow, bill


Tue Feb 20, 2007

We'll talk about:

  •  Sections 4.5 and 4.6 on routing
  •  Homework #4 is posted... not a long one
  •  Program #3 planning

OK, Program #3. You are immediately faced with a choice: do your own thing or tag along with the class on building a P2P chat application. We'll talk about this in class. Here are some links though:

  •  Internet Relay Chat ... a very common paradigm for chat programs... old school.
  •  IRC Commands ... and Wikipedia provides a nice little summary of the IRC commands. We will, obviously, do a tiny subset of these, but just to wet your beak.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Hey, head back up one level to my main page and check out my Spring 2007 CSC 457... let me know what you think.


Thu Feb 15, 2007

OK, plan C?

  •  Homework #3 is due at the beginning of class... bring your Ethereal notes for a point. It's a good lab.
  •  I'll lecture on 4.3 Routers, 4.4 IP, and 4.5 routing algorithms
  •  Program #2 is due Sunday... it'll be worth 10 points. If you want the original Thursday/8 point deal, then see me.
  •  I should be able to stay after lecture if anyone wants Program #2 help.

I think it's a fair bet that Exam #2 will be moved to Tuesday of week #9... that's the 27th by my math. We'll talk about it.

shovel faster... yow, bill


Tue Feb 13, 2007

Forget it guys... class canceled tonight by Noctrl.

read and code... yow, bill

PS - I'll be checking my email


Thu Feb 8, 2007

Please read Chapter 4, sections 1-4. I will lecture on this material.

Program #2!

run... yow, bill

PS - A couple notes on the Ethereal TCP homework. This is a little more time-consuming than our previous Ethereal exercises. Here's some help (hopefully):

  •  On page 4, you want "Edit/Preferences/Protocols/TCP", not "IP" as in the handout.
  •  Save your Ethereal trace to a file. You'll want to reference those packet #'s.
  •  Use a spreadsheet for questions 5, 6. It'll make your life a lot easier.
  •  For question #8, click on the first TCP packet sent by the client (your computer) and then try one of those Stevens Graphs [ Statistics/TCP Stream Graph/Time-Sequence-Graph (Stevens) ]. If the sequence numbers steadily climb over time, what does that tell you about the answer to question 8.
  •  For #9, I couldn't find any skipped ACK's, but maybe you will... just don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.
  •  For #10, how big is the file? What is the time difference between the first TCP segment containing data and the last ACK. Your throughput should be SIZE/(delta time).


Tue Feb 6, 2007

I will finish lecture on Chapter 3 with my treatise on the vagaries of "congestion control."

I will take any and all questions regarding Program #2. This must be a dialogue, so please bring your design notes (classes, their methods and data fields), questions, code, and creativity.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - homework #3 is posted and will be due next Tuesday. It's pretty tiny.


Thu Feb 1, 2007

Please read the remainder of Chapter 3. We will wrap Chapter 3 or at least come close.

Also, please come with some sketches and/or class diagrams for Program #2. I'd like to chat about that during class as well.

thanks... yow, bill


Tue Jan 30, 2007

We'll review the exam #1 results. If I'm a good boy this weekend, then we'll also talk about program #1 grading.

Lecture will continue on Chapter 3... reliable data transfer and such nonsense.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - I just love this stuff... check it out:


Thu Jan 25, 2007

Ah, Exam #1...

  •  It's worth 20 points, or 20% of your grade.
  •  It'll cover chapters 1 & 2, homework assignments (like Ethereal), and your program #1 experience.
  •  It'll take about 90 minutes, I reckon.
  •  You are allowed and encouraged to bring one side of one page of notes to use during the exam.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - Guys, can y'all do me a favor (I always pull out the southern drawl when I need a favor)... actually, 2 favors:

  1. Please print out your protocol description (with your name at the top).
  2. Please create a web page like my solution that you can find in the "Programs" page above? "How the heck can I do that?" you may ask. Go to my Dry Technical Notes, find the DTN #2 on doing your Noctrl web page, and follow the steps. Use Microsoft FrontPage to edit your web page.

I'll be up in the lab after Exam #1 to help if you get stuck. Thanks a lot... yow, bill


Tue Jan 23, 2007


  •  Program #1... please pay close attention to the deliverables section of the assignment! Follow the coding guidelines, use Javadoc, README, your protocol description, put everything on the k: drive, etc.
  •  Homework #2
  •  Please read Chapter 3, sections 1-4

We'll get together and:

  •  Go over homework #2 together
  •  Preview the exam
  •  Discuss any Program #1 problems
  •  Chat about section 3.4

run... yow, bill


Thu Jan 18, 2007

We'll probably need Thursday to wrap Chapter 2.

Your client and server for Program #1 are due. We should have time in class (and some after?) to deal with Program #1 woes as well.

thanks... yow, bill


Tue Jan 16, 2007

Please read the remaining sections of Chapter 2, if you haven't already. I'll continue in on Chapter 2, and we'll also spend as much time as you'd like talking about Program #1.

week 3... yow, bill

PS - I have Some Program #1 Notes for you, if you're interested

PPS - I'll throw this in the favorites too... a nice website for our acronym-encrusted world:

PPPS - Homework #2 is up.


Thu Jan 11, 2007


  •  Homework #1
  •  Read Chapter 2, sections 1-3 and then 7-9
  •  Have your protocol design for Program #1 ready

I'll chat you up on Chapter 2, and you'll get to show everyone your protocol on the board in class.

giddy-ap... yow, bill


Tue Jan 9, 2007

We'll wrap-up Chapter 1 and talk about Program #1, Java, the weather, etc.

thanks... yow, bill


Thu Jan 4, 2007

Please read sections 1.2-1.6... we'll chat.

thanks... yow, bill

PS - My office hours are posted on the My Office Door page on my main Noctrl site. I know these are not convenient for you night-class guys... email me when you need help and we will work it out. Thanks!


Tue Jan 2, 2007

Our first class is 6:30 pm on Tuesday Jan 2, 2007 at Carnegie 13.

Once we get all introduced and such, then I will lecture on

  •  1.1 Introduction
  •  1.8 History
  •  1.7 Protocol layers

Please read the remaining sections (2-6) in chapter 1 before the next lecture.

race you there... yow, bill

PS - Quote of the Day:

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will themselves not be realized.

Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.

- Daniel Burnham


Thu Nov 30, 2006

Started this page, but didn't post it publicly yet. Just setting things up.

sneaky... yow, bill  


email course home last updated index.htm 03/16/2007 08:20 AM