CSC 480 Homework

Homework assignments... these will be worth about one point each. Homework is for you to know that you are keeping up with the material. My grading of your homework will be based on effort, rather than results. Results will be tested on the exams.


My current thinking is that Monday will be homework day; Friday is already lab day.

Please use a logic template for all diagrams.


Num/Due Description
Hw #7

Wed May 17, 2006

From pages 357-361
  •  7-5... bit masks
  •  7-22... a couple basic ones
  •  7-23
  •  7-31... a couple bus problems
  •  7-32
Hw #6

Mon May 8, 2006

Not too long, I suspect, from pages 299-305...
  •  6-1... simulate a latch, like in class
  •  6-4... understanding setup/hold violations
  •  6-5... sequential design, start with flipflop equations
  •  6-8... trace/simulate a sequential design
  •  6-9... state table to state diagram
  •  6-16... sequential design word problem, sweet!
  •  6-23... sequential design, start with state diagram
  •  6-26... designing a counter, just do parts a) and c)

Yes, I know we skipped HW #5... I'm keeping up with the chapters in the book. Sorry. Please drive through... yow, bill

Hw #4

Mon Apr 24, 2006


Medium-length, but a lot of fun...

From pages 192-195

  •  4-5... building decoders
  •  4-12... building muxes
  •  4-22... logic design with decoders
  •  4-25... logic design with muxes
  •  4-29 a)... logic design with ROMs
  •  4-30... logic design with ROMs
  •  4-31... logic design with PLAs, please use our nice file format
  •  4-35... logic design with PALs

From pages 236-238

  •  5-4... 2's complement
  •  5-6... 2's complement
  •  5-8 b)... logic design with 2's complement
  •  5-12... design!
  •  5-13... design!
Hw #3

Mon Apr 17, 2006

Not so long... phew!

From pages 134-139:

  •  3-4... path delay calculation
  •  3-15... a fun design problem
  •  3-16... more fun, can you also please implement this using a PLA in the format we discuss in class.
  •  3-20... DeMorgan shenanigans mostly
  •  3-21... a technology mapping problem, just have fun with it and appreciate the trade-offs and how difficult a challenge this is to do optimally for even this tiny example. You must use inverters to complement inputs as necessary. See the And-Or-Invert gate at only 2.25 area? Yum!
  •  On page 108, a truth table solution for the BCD-to-7-segment problem is given. Tell me:
    •  How would you implement this using a ROM?
    •  Draw a black box of your ROM?
    •  What values would be burned into the ROM at each address?
Hw #2

Mon Apr 10, 2006

This is a fairly long homework. These algorithms take some practice; this chapter is a broad one; this chapter is important; and multi-level optimization is an art.

So, from pages 81-85:

  •  Boolean algebra... 2-2, 2-6
  •  DeMorgan... 2-8, 2-9, 2-10
  •  Use your new logic template... 2-13
  •  K-maps... 2-15, 2-17, 2-20, 2-24
  •  Quine-McCluskey... 2-20 a) using Q-M, check against K-Map
  •  SOP and POS... 2-23
  •  Multi-level optimization... 2-27
  •  XOR and Boolean algebra... 2-30

Okay, on problems with more than 2 parts, you only have to do the ceiling of the number of parts divided by two. In other words, just do half the parts.

thanks... yow, bill

Hw #1

Mon Apr 3, 2006

This is a pretty easy homework as most of this material will probably be review for you. From page 27-28:
  •  1-3, 1-7, 1-11, 1-12, 1-15, 1-16, 1-22, 1-23