My current thinking is that Monday will be homework day; Friday is
already lab day.
Please use a logic template for all diagrams.
Num/Due |
Description |
Hw #7 Wed May 17, 2006 |
From pages 357-361
- 7-5... bit masks
- 7-22... a couple basic ones
- 7-23
- 7-31... a couple bus problems
- 7-32
Hw #6 Mon May 8, 2006 |
Not too long, I suspect, from pages
- 6-1... simulate a latch, like in class
- 6-4... understanding setup/hold violations
- 6-5... sequential design, start with flipflop
- 6-8... trace/simulate a sequential design
- 6-9... state table to state diagram
- 6-16... sequential design word problem, sweet!
- 6-23... sequential design, start with state diagram
- 6-26... designing a counter, just do parts a) and c)
Yes, I know we skipped HW #5... I'm keeping up with the chapters
in the book. Sorry. Please drive through... yow, bill |
Hw #4 Mon Apr 24, 2006
Medium-length, but a lot of fun...
From pages 192-195
- 4-5... building decoders
- 4-12... building muxes
- 4-22... logic design with decoders
- 4-25... logic design with muxes
- 4-29 a)... logic design with ROMs
- 4-30... logic design with ROMs
- 4-31... logic design with PLAs, please use our nice
file format
- 4-35... logic design with PALs
From pages 236-238
- 5-4... 2's complement
- 5-6... 2's complement
- 5-8 b)... logic design with 2's complement
- 5-12... design!
- 5-13... design!
Hw #3 Mon Apr 17, 2006 |
Not so long... phew! From pages
- 3-4... path delay calculation
- 3-15... a fun design problem
- 3-16... more fun, can you also please implement this
using a PLA in the format we discuss in class.
- 3-20... DeMorgan shenanigans mostly
- 3-21... a technology mapping problem, just have fun
with it and appreciate the trade-offs and how difficult a
challenge this is to do optimally for even this tiny example.
You must use inverters to complement inputs as necessary. See
the And-Or-Invert gate at only 2.25 area? Yum!
- On page 108, a truth table solution for the
BCD-to-7-segment problem is given. Tell me:
- How would you implement this using a ROM?
- Draw a black box of your ROM?
- What values would be burned into the ROM at each
Hw #2 Mon Apr 10, 2006 |
This is a fairly long homework. These
algorithms take some practice; this chapter is a broad one; this
chapter is important; and multi-level optimization is an art.
So, from pages 81-85:
- Boolean algebra... 2-2, 2-6
- DeMorgan... 2-8, 2-9, 2-10
- Use your new logic template... 2-13
- K-maps... 2-15, 2-17, 2-20, 2-24
- Quine-McCluskey... 2-20 a) using Q-M, check against
- SOP and POS... 2-23
- Multi-level optimization... 2-27
- XOR and Boolean algebra... 2-30
Okay, on problems with more than 2 parts, you only have to do the
ceiling of the number of parts divided by two. In other words, just
do half the parts.
thanks... yow, bill |
Hw #1 Mon Apr 3, 2006 |
This is a pretty
easy homework as most of this material will probably be review for
you. From page 27-28:
- 1-3, 1-7, 1-11, 1-12, 1-15, 1-16, 1-22, 1-23