CSC 210 Favorites

I kept bumping into web sites that I wanted to share... hence, this page


I have worn this link out all dang term... just outstanding:

May 26, 2006

Lads, awash with free time (cough), I was googling for information on spell checkers. I thought it might be nice to chat about a more complex or composite structure for a pseudo-real application. Well, I found this cool hash table implementation of a spell checker here:

(I don't know the half-life of this link: it's a 2005 class assignment at UC-Irvine)

I don't know the half-life of that link; it's a 2005 class assignment for a UC-Irvine CS class. The assignment is to use a hash table to implement a spell checker. No problemo... fill up the table with your words, look them up, whatever. The cool part is the extra algorithm to create suggestions for misspelled words. You basically try and guess a possible misspelling, see if it's the hash table and report if it is. Here are some suggestions he recommends:

  1. Swap each adjacent pair of characters
  2. Insert a-z in between each pair of characters
  3. Delete each character
  4. Replace each character with a-z
  5. Split the word by inserting a space between each adjacent pair of characters


BTW, if you need a dictionary, there's an open source project for you... or two:

I haven't used those site. Also, here's a munged list of words from that UC-Irvine project that looks very tasty: wordlist.txt (~600 KB, 60K words)

The Wikipedia pages on this are pretty immature, but whatever:

Google's spell-checking... not how they do it, but the joke in exercise 2 at the bottom:

Before May 26, 2006

The publisher of our textbook has a site. It has some source code on there and such. Try it...

The CSC 160/161 is a nice auxiliary Java text to have. There's a web site from that publisher as well, though it's not nearly as nice as our textbook's setup...

If you keep your mind right, then you can auto-magically create documentation for your Java code using Javadoc.

On IDE's, I prefer jGRASP to NetBeans just because it leaves me alone more, funny how that works out...

You're certainly welcome to use NetBeans if you prefer...

You can download either of these coding environments to your computer at home. Both of these programs, however, should already be available on computers in the lab. I know that jGRASP can usually be found in Start/Network Programs.

Is this stuff at North Central any good? Why is CSC 210 the way it is? How is it compared to the rest of the world? Good questions. Well, here's one data point... the University of Illinois' course for intro to data structures and algorithms...

I have some important (ha!) Coding Notes for you to read.

We are using the latest, greatest Java which is called "Java 5.0". OK, well then why does Sun call this Java 2SE, or J2SE, or Java 1.5 or whatever. Jeez, my head! Let's see what we have running here at North Central:

F:\>java -version
java version "1.5.0_04"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode)

In short, we're using Java 5.0, but it's called a lot of different things. Here are some links to either help or further confuse you:

Interesting... you can go to the Javadoc page for JOptionPane in swing and see that L&L, page 832 is wrong. He he.


