CSC 161 Syllabus


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Some general course information for you...



We will meet:

  • Lecture - Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30 - 8:20 pm in Carnegie 113
  • Lab - Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8:30 - 9:30 am in Carnegie 210
  • First class - is Tuesday March 29, 2005

Our textbooks are:

  • "Starting Out with C++, Alternate 4th Edition", by Gaddis, Walters and Muganda.
  • "Lab Manual to Accompany the Alternate Version of Starting Out with C++"
  • The publisher's web site for these books is:

We will use the Gnu C++ environment (mingw) for programming and lab assignments in class. More information is available at



My name is Bill Krieger. I'm a part-time professor in the Computer Science department here at North Central.

The best way to contact me is via email at: and this web site is at

My office is located at Carnegie 309.

My office hours are:

  • Tuesday, Thursday morning from 10:00 to noon
  • Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9:00
  • Look for me in my office or possibly in one of the 2nd floor computer labs
  • Also, I anticipate being available as long as you need me on Tuesday and Thursday nights after class.
  • I am available by appointment... I am flexible!


Course Description

From the CSC department page:

A second course in programming, emphasizing design and implementation of well constructed programs using object-oriented C++.  Topics include abstract data types, data structures (arrays, structures, linked lists, stacks and queues), classes and objects, recursion, pointer variables, dynamic memory, and sorting and searching algorithms.  Extensive programming required.  Laboratory. Prerequisites:  CSC 160 or one year of high school programming in C++ or Java, MTH 121 or higher. Offered: Annually.

Well, my take on all this... CSC 161 is your second programming course. We will delve deeper into C++ and programming concepts in general while covering the second half of our textbook... chapters 10-19. Please note from the official description: Extensive programming required.



The grade formula is pretty simple with equal weighting given to programs during the semester and exams.

Assignment Percent
   Class participation 10%
   Programs 40%
   Midterm Exam 20%
   Final Exam 30%
TOTAL 100%

Please note that your "Class participation" includes reading, homework and lab assignments.

Using the university grading guidelines, your letter grade will follow this table:

Percent Grade
93-100% A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
60-69% D
0-59% F

A note on academic integrity... plagiarism is a severe offense. In a programming course, it is considered plagiarism if any part of the code you submit has been written by another person. In the event of plagiarism, actions that may be taken include a zero on the assignment, notification of the Dean, withdrawal from the course, assigning a grade of F for the course, or worse.

Please see the University's policy regarding plagiarism if you have any further questions.



Ah, the fantasy of the pre-course schedule:

Week Material Due
1 Chapters 1-9... CSC 160 review stuff  
2 Chapter 11, sections 9-13... composition and inheritance

Chapter 10... pointers

Program #1
3 Chapter 12... strings

Appendix H... number systems

4 Chapter 13... advanced files Program #2
5   Midterm exam
6 Chapter 14... recursion Program #3
7 Chapter 15... polymorphism  
8 Chapter 16... exceptions, the STL Program #4
9 Chapter 17... linked lists

Chapter 18... stacks, queues

10   Program #5
    Final exam