CSC 161 Program #5


In Program #5, the end, you'll implement a doubly linked list.



This program is worth 8 points, or 8% of your final grade. The pertinent time coordinates:

  • Assigned: Tues May 24, 2005
  • Program due: Fri Jun 3, 2005 at 10:00 am

Some of the fun, new C++ stuff we'll cover includes:

  • Doubly linked lists
  • Recursion
  • Polymorphism... ok, this isn't exactly new, but it is fun



Write a little program to manage a doubly-linked list of wombats... actually, whatever class of object that you decide. If you're listing wombats, then your menu should have the following options:

1. Append wombat
2. Remove wombat
3. Remove all wombats
4. Insert wombat in order
5. Show number of wombats
6. Print list
7. Reverse print list
8. Exit

Of course, when you create a new wombat (during append or insert), then you must prompt the user for the wombat's name and any other vital information regarding wombats.

Note that for "insert wombat" to work correctly, then all wombats must be "inserted", so that the order is always maintained. You don't have to check for this bad case in your code.


Design Requirements

You should:

  • Implement a doubly-linked list. I think the text's FloatList example in section 17.2 is an excellent starting point. Each node should have and maintain a previous node and next node pointer.
  • You list should always maintain a head pointer to the first node in the list, and a tail pointer to the last node in the list.
  • In the size() function for your list, please count the nodes recursively.
  • You list nodes should store pointers to Listable objects. (Why do we want to stick with pointers? Remember?) Listable should be an abstract base class with the following pure virtual functions:
// Returns (this - right), ala strcmp
// If two Listable are equal, returns 0.
int compare( Listable *right);
// prints a Listable object
void print( ostream &out = cout);
  • With your Listable class in order, then you need to create a subclass of Listable that you want to be able to, well, list. I can be anything (wombats?) as long as you can create, compare, and print them.
  • Please use your TextMenu class for all menu action.

A note on this Listable nonsense. If we covered C++ templates in this course, then we'd be implementing this list as a template. You can see one in section 17.3 if you'd like to compare and contrast.

Also, if you would like to overload operators rather than use the compare() and print() functions, you're free to do so.

Special design requirement

You must complete and hand in "before and after" node diagrams of each operation your list performs. These should look like mine on the board, or those in our book on page 1019 and other pages. Some things you'll want to show:

  • Append to an empty list
  • Append to a full list
  • Insert to an empty list
  • Insert to first node, effecting head
  • Insert to last node, effecting tail
  • Insert in middle of list
  • Remove last node in list
  • Remove head node
  • Remove tail node
  • Remove node in middle of list
  • and whatever other ones that I've forgotten...



Short program this time:
  • Quality, 50%
  • Function, 50%
Each of these areas is discussed in the handout: CSC 161 Program Design, Style and Testing. Please leave a README file in your folder describing your testing and the state of your program... problems, questions, etc.

thanks... yow, bill



May 24, 2005

I will not help individuals with coding problems that do not have their list diagrams completed and with them.

zealous, not cranky... yow, bill

May 26, 2005

OK, for our last program, let's mix up our commenting and naming tactics. For Program #5, please:

  • Use underscore as the first character of member variable names, like _head. This will make member variable easier to identify in your code.
  • Comment your member functions in the header file. For example, my List::print_reverse function in list.h looks like this:
// print_reverse( out)
// Prints the objects in a list to an output stream in reverse
// order, last to first.
// pre: "out" param is an open output stream
// post: none
void print_reverse( ostream &out = cout) const;
  • In your implementation, C++ file, document any implementation specifics for the function. Example:
// List::print_reverse
// Starts traversing the List from the _tail and uses
// _prev pointers to print objects in reverse order
void List::print_reverse( ostream &out = cout) const {
   // your code here...
  • In each function description, document the pre-conditions (parameters and any other conditions needed for the function to work, and post-conditions (return value and any other side effects). I have also shown this in my example above.
  •  Use underscores to separate words in a name, rather than the Java-style capitalization that we've used so far. For example, use print_reverse(), rather than printReverse().

Extra credit! If your list can handle 2 flavors of Listable objects correctly, then you will get one point of extra credit. This entails:

  • Creating another subclass of Listable, like Wallaby or something.
  • The append and insert choices in your menu must ask if you want to create a new Wombat or Wallaby.
  • Change the compare() function in each Listable subclass so that it throws an exception if you try and compare two objects of different classes.
  • You can use dynamic_cast to convert from a Listable * to, for example, a Wombat *. The cast will return 0 if the object pointer is not actually a Wombat (must then be a Wallaby, eh). You can google this for more information... I don't think it's in our book.
  • Finally, you'll have to modify your List functions that use compare(), so they catch the exception.
  • Given the magic of polymorphism, your print() functions should be OK.

get it, got, good... yow, bill