CSC 161 Program #4

Research Notes


May 10, 2005

So, what do we do if/when frequency analysis gives us the wrong answer. This is a very likely outcome as letter frequencies in encrypted text is unlikely to match any "standard" character mapping exactly.

Here are some ideas:

  • Multiple FreqLists - it may be useful to apply more than one FreqList when trying to decrypt a file. Different text sources (like "literature" versus "the dictionary" versus "speeches", etc) will have different frequency characteristics, and you may get better results from one FreqList over another.
  • Interactive - you can create a little interactive software tool to change a CharMap used for decryption and then show the effect on a couple of sentences... sort of a trial and error thing.
  • Semi-exhaustive - so, okay, we can't try each of the 26! possible mappings (4 x 10^26 or roughly half an octillion), but maybe you can pare the problem down to just the top 10 letters or so. Watch out though... factorial grows fast:
1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24
5! = 120 6! = 720 7! = 5,040 8! = 40,320
9! = 362,880 10! = 3,624,800
11! = 39,916,800 12! = 479,001,600
  • Common words - it may be useful to dig up a list or two of common words. Try a number of CharMaps and keep the one that generates the greatest number of "common" three letter or four letter words. I think there's a link to common words on the main Program #4 page.
  • Crytopop? - here's this guy Crytopop who has some thoughts on using letter frequency for decryption:

Just some food for thought.

yow, bill