CSC 480 Lab #9

"This is the end..." Lab


Design a simple computer consisting of:

Components used

We will be using:

Pinouts are attached.

Lab Problems

OK, let's build a small computer with a small instruction set. Small is a definite over-statement here, BTW. Here is a block diagram of the system you will be building:

Once complete, the system has four inputs:

The outputs will be:

Once your computer is built, there are two problems to complete.

Part 1. Execute Prof Bill's ROM program

Hard-code the following settings for this problem:

Place the following instructions in your EEPROM, excute the program and complete the table.



Instruction ALU Func


A B "Next A"
00 0000 A' 0000 0101  
01 1010 B   0101  
02 0110 A xor B   0101  
03 0001 (A+B)'   0101  
04 1110 A+B   0101  
05 0011 0   0101  
06 1101 A+B'   0101  
07 0010 A'B   0101  
10 1000 A'+B   0101  
11 0101 B'   0101  
12 1100 1   0101  
13 0100 (AB)'   0101  
14 1111 A   0101  
15 1011 AB   0101  
16 1001 (A xor B)'   0101  
17 0011 0   0101  

In the table, A and "Next A" are each the output of your A register or flipflops. A is before the clock pulse, and "Next A" is the value after the clock pulse. The value of "Next A" is then used as A in the next instruction.

For part 1, please turn in the following deliverables:

Hints and such

This is our largest design in lab. It will require your patience and discipline. Some general thoughts before starting:

Here are the major steps I took in completing the lab... these are not required steps, but rather just a cheat sheet:

STEP 1: Hookup and program the 2816 EEPROM

Move on to step 2 once you are satisfied that your EEPROM is correctly programmed.

STEP 2: Hookup the 7493 Counter

Move on to step 3 once you can reset your counter to zero and correctly step through EEPROM instructions 0 through 15.

STEP 3: Hookup the 74181 ALU

First off, use active high inputs as we did in lab. Go:

With most of your system setup, you can verify that your instructions correctly exercise the ALU by setting the A value with your switches and observing the outputs on the LED's.

STEP 4: Hookup the 74175 D flipflops

Almost there... before starting, clear your counter and your flipflops to zero.

STEP 5: Close the loop

Complete the system and run your program...

Go! Show me your program running (correctly, eh) before moving on.