Syllabus | general information, grades, instructor, etc | CSC 220 |
We meet Monday and Wednesday nights 6:30 pm - 8:20 pm at Carnegie 113. The first class is Monday September 15th.
Our text is "Structured Computer Organization" by Andrew S. Tannenbaum. There are two web sites related to the text:
We'll learn about the 6 levels present in most modern-day computers as presented in our text: digital logic, microarchitecture, instruction set architecture, operation system, assembly language, and problem-oriented language level. Our programming assignments will be in assembly language.
The official CSC department description is:
220 Computer System Concepts (3.00) Basic computer architecture including combinational circuits, instruction sets, microprogramming and assembly language, I/O (devices, busses and interrupts), and memory systems and organization. Programming required. Prerequisite: CSC 161. Recommended: CSC 230. Offered: Annually. |
My name is Bill Krieger. I am a part-time professor at North Central. Some info:
Percent | Points | |
Class/quiz/homework | 10% | 100 |
Programs | 20% | 200 |
Exam 1 | 20% | 200 |
Exam 2 | 20% | 200 |
Final exam | 30% | 300 |
TOTAL | 100% | 1,000 |
Your letter grade will be determined using the North Central guidelines:
Percent | Grade |
93 - 100% | A |
90 - 92% | A- |
87 - 89% | B+ |
83 - 86% | B |
80 - 82% | B- |
77-79% | C+ |
73 - 76% | C |
70 - 72% | C- |
60 - 69% | D |
0 - 59% | F |