Study Sheet - Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This study sheet covers important terms and concepts that I found in the text. The absence of a specific item in the text from this list does not mean that you are not responsible for knowing it. Also, not valid in Tennessee and for entertainment purposes only.

1. Processors


Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) datapath datapath cycle
register Program Counter (PC) Instruction Register (IR)  
architecture Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) MIPS processor
microinstructions control store, ROM pipelining stages
latency processor bandwidth superscalar architectures  
array processor vector processor multiprocessor multicomputer

You should understand:

2. Primary memory


bit byte nibble  
Binary Coded Digit (BCD) cell address word
big endian little endian    
Hamming code codeword parity bit Hamming distance
cache locality principle cache line unified cache
split cache Single Inline Memory Module (SIMM) Double Inline Memory Module (DIMM)  

You should understand:

3. Secondary memory


track sector preamble inter-sector gap
Winchester disks cylinder seek/seek time rotational latency
disk controller Basic Input Output System (BIOS) Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) Extended IDE (EIDE)
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) striping optical disk
pits lands frame sector
Volume Table of Contents (VTOC) sessions    

You should understand:

4. Input/output


motherboard I/O controller Direct Memory Access (DMA) interrupt
interrupt controller bus arbiter cycle stealing Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) bus
Extended ISA (EISA) bus Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)    
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) raster scan device    
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) passive matrix display active matrix display video memory
character map terminal bit map terminal color palette RS232-C terminal
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) Light Emitting Diode (LED) halftoning Cyan Yellow Magenta Black (CYMK)
carrier baud rate bit rate full duplex
half duplex simplex Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)  
American Standard Code for Information Interchage (ASCII) Unicode code point  

You should understand: