Disclaimer: This study sheet covers important terms and concepts that I found in the text. The absence of a specific item in the text from this list does not mean that you are not responsible for knowing it. Also, not valid in Tennessee and for entertainment purposes only.
Zero'th generation - mechanical computers
Blaise Pascal | Charles Babbage | difference engine | analytical engine |
Ada Lovelace |
First generation - vacuum tubes
Enigma | Colossus | Alan Turing | ENIAC |
ILLIAC | John von Neumann | von Neumann machine | accumulator |
Second generation - transistors
William Shockley | Kenneth Olsen | Digital Equipment Co. | PDP-1 |
minicomputer | Seymour Cray | supercomputer |
Third generation - integrated circuits
Robert Noyce | System/360 | multiprogramming | PDP-11 |
Fourth generation - VLSI
Steve Jobs | Steve Wozniak | PC clones | MS-DOS |
Microsoft |
Gordon Moore | Moore's Law | virtuous circle | |
Pentium (Intel) family
4004 | 8080 | 8088 | 80386 |
MMX | backward compatible |
Sparc (Sun) family
Andy Bechtolsheim | Scott McNealy | Bill Joy | Sparc |
Ultrasparc | Sparc, version 9 | Visual Instruction Set (VIS) |
Java family
Dennis Ritchie | Bjarne Stroustrup | Java | Java Virtual Machine (JVM) |
applets | picoJava |