10 points. Assigned: Oct 8, 2003. Due: Oct 13, 2003
Upload the Gnu Compiler Collection (gcc) to you PC. I have some notes and links to help you at:
Once you've got gcc working, let's try it. Compile a simple C program that prints "hello, world" or something. Here's mine:
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
printf( "Hello world");
}C is similar to C++, which you are assumed to know. We'll use the printf() function for basic I/O. You can use Microsoft help for details on this function. I also have a handout (paper, not electronic) on printf() for you as well.
- Create an executable and call it hello.exe
- Create assembly code for the example and call it hello.s
Bring your folder of "hello" files to class Monday. During/after class, we'll show you how to transfer these files to our class k: drive. If you already have experience with the k: drive, then you can move your files to your k: drive folder and get out of this part of class.