CSC 161 - Syllabus

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General course information and description


We will meet:

  • Lecture - Mon and Wed nights from 5:30 - 7:50 pm in Carnegie 13
  • Lab - Mon and Wed nights from 8:00 - 9:15 pm in Carnegie 210
  • First class - is Mon Jun 16

Our textbooks are (those used in CSC 160):

  • "Starting Out with C++, Alternate 3rd Edition", by Gaddis, Walters and Muganda.
  • "Lab Manual to Accompany the Alternate Version of Starting Out with C++"
  • The publisher's web site for these books is:

We will use Microsoft Visual C++ for programming and lab assignments in class.


My name is Bill Krieger.

The best way to contact me is via email at:

My office is located at Carnegie 309.

My office hours are... well, with our small class size, I'll meet with you by appointment. We'll work it out.

My teaching philosophy... I am here to help you: 1) learn the stuff, 2) show it (get a good grade), and 3) enjoy the process.

Course Description

From the CSC department page:

A second course in programming, emphasizing design and implementation of well constructed programs using object-oriented C++.  Topics include abstract data types, data structures (arrays, structures, linked lists, stacks and queues), classes and objects, recursion, pointer variables, dynamic memory, and sorting and searching algorithms.  Extensive programming required.  Laboratory. Prerequisites:  CSC 160 or one year of high school programming in C++ or Java, MTH 121 or higher. Offered: Annually.

Well, my take on all this... CSC 161 is your second programming course. We will delve deeper into C++ and programming concepts in general while covering the second half of our textbook... chapters 10-19. Please note from the official description: Extensive programming required.


The grade formula is pretty simple with equal weighting given to programs during the semester and exams.

Assignment Percent Points
Class/Homework 10% 100
Labs 10% 100
Programs 30% 300
Midterm Exam 25% 250
Final Exam 25% 250
TOTAL 100% 1,000

Using the university grading guidelines, your letter grade will follow this table:

Percent Grade
93-100% A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
60-69% D
0-59% F