CSC 160 - Chapter 9 Quick Reference
Chapter 9 "Searching and Sorting Arrays"
This chapter covers introductory searching and sorting techniques
General Terms
linear search |
binary search |
bubble sort |
selection sort |
Important concepts covered include:
- Understand the linear search algorithm, perform a linear search on
a given list
- Understand the binary search algorithm, perform a binary search on
a give list
- Understand the differences between a linear search and a binary
- Understand the efficiency of each search technique
- Understand the bubble sort algorithm, perform a bubble sort on a
given list
- Understand the selection sort algorithm, perform a selection sort
on a given list
Disclaimer: The goal of this "cheat sheet" is to review
the more important concepts in the chapter. The exclusion of any
material in the chapter from this "cheat sheet" does not mean
that you are not responsible for that material.