CSC 160 - Program #2

Assigned: Weds Jan 15, 2003 Pseudo-code due: Mon Jan 20, 2003
Program #2 is worth 50 points

Program due: Weds Jan 22, 2003


This program emphasizes the following "new" concepts:


This program comes straight from the book. Check it out at:

Page 254

Programming Challenges #15 & #16

I have a couple extra requirements:

  • Please use a switch statement (appropriately) somewhere in your program
  • Please use the cool <iomanip> functions to format your output in a table, always include a dollar sign and two decimal points with each dollar amount. Here's an example:
Customer Bill Krieger
Package B
Hours used 48.5
Base package cost $14.95
Extra hours cost $28.50
Total Cost $43.45
Note to customer Bill Krieger:
**> You could have saved $23.50 this month using Package C.



Your program will be graded on three areas: design, quality, and function.

Design (20%)

Your design must include detailed pseudo-code describing how your program will function.

Quality (30%)

Your program must include:

Function (50%)

Your program must:

Make sure you run your program with multiple test cases, including cases with invalid input.

To hand your program in, please place two things in the "prog02" folder on your k: drive:

  1. All the files (C++, obj, exe, etc.) associated with your program
  2. A README.txt file describing any problems you had with this assignment and also the test cases you used to verify that your program was working correctly.


Jan 20, 2003

I juggled the grade percentages slightly for design, quality and function to (20%, 30%, 50%) from (25, 25, 50).