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Course info ~ Instructor info ~ Grades ~ Roadmap Course InfoDescriptionHere's the course description from the CSC department:
Please note that since 210 and 220 are prereq's, it is assumed that you are comfortable programming in C++. Course MeetingWe'll meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 am to noon at Carnegie 113 TextbookOur textbook is "Operating System Concepts - sixth edition" by Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne. The author/publisher has an accompanying website: www.wiley.com/college/silberschatz
Instructor InfoMy name is Bill Krieger. The best way to contact me is via email at: wikrieger@noctrl.edu Office HoursMy office is located at Carnegie 310-D My offices hours are: Mondays and Wednesdays from noon to 2:00 pm (after class). My schedule is flexible, so I am also available at other times by appointment. PhilosophyMy teaching philosophy is: 1) learn the stuff, 2) show it (get a good grade), and 3) have fun.
GradesYour course grade will be split nearly into thirds:
A standard A=90+, B= 80+, C= 70+, D = 60+, F = 59- scale will be used. Unexcused late homework assignments or programs penalties will be:
Addendum: The grading percentages are unchanged. The total available points for the course will be 1,000 points. Here's a more detailed grading breakdown:
RoadmapThis is really, really tentative:
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