Rose - programs should strive for the beauty of the rose

Program #3 is up:

Program #3 - Multithreading Potpourri

Thanks... yow, bill

Programming assignment #2 is available for your perusal:

Program #2 assignment

Thanks... yow, bill


Programming assignment #1 is available:

Program #1 Assignment

Due dates and everything else is defined in the page.

Thanks... yow, bill


Programming assignment #0 due Thursday April 4, 2002

This is a test drive for both of us:

  1. Please create a "Hello world" style C++ program in your k: drive. 
  2. Place your solution in a folder called "prog1" on your k: drive.
  3. Create a file called README in the prog1 folder telling me where your "Hello world" code and executable is. Your REDAME file can be text, Word or HTML. Ask me about other formats, if you like.

Hint #1: I have no desire to explore the depths of the menus/graphics of the Win32 API. I suggest you create your program to run as a "console application". If you are a Window wizard, then I have no problem with you doing a full Win32 application, as long as I can run it.

Hint #2: Don't forget to run your application outside of Visual C++. If your console appears and then immediately disappears, then you'll need to do something like "Press enter to quit" and wait for a character input using get() or getch() or the like.

Hint #3: This is the test drive, so things may go wrong. If you run into some roadblock, then email me.




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