For the latches and flipflops, you should know the basic design (SR latch is two cross-coupled NOR gates), basic operation (simulate different logic values on each like we did on the board), and its truth table.
SR latch | |
S'R' latch | |
SR latch with control | |
D latch | |
Master-slave flipflop | |
Edge-triggered flipflop | |
Mealy v. Moore machine: know/recognize the difference | |
Sequential design process: word problem -> state diagram -> state table -> flipflop equations | |
Designing with D, JK, and T flipflops: truth tables, characteristic equations, flipflop excitation tables |
Vanilla register: parallel load too | |
Shift registers | |
Synchronous binary counters | |
Ripple counters: distinction from synchronous binary counters |
There will be no questions on section 6-9 which covers FPGAs.
RAM: structure, definitions | |
Tri-state buffers | |
Coincident selection and RAM design | |
ROM: structure, combinational logic using | |
Tiling smaller RAM/ROM to build larger ones | |
PLA: structure, programming table, logic design using | |
PALs: structure, programming table, logic design using |
You must know the datapath model/diagram. You should be able to interpret RTL operations ala the homework as well. I won't ask you to build an ALU from scratch, but you should know the basic strucutre.
Control/Datapath model | |
RTL operations: transfer, arithmetic, logic and shift | |
3 transfer architectures: muxes, busses, tri-state busses | |
Datapath structure: Reg file, Function unit, muxes | |
ALU: adder + logic structure, | |
Shifter: vanilla, barrel shifter | |
Control word | |
Pipelining: the basic concept, pipelining speedup equation |