CSC 480 Exam #1 Study Sheet

Chapter 1

Convert radix R number (integer and fraction) to decimal (regular and Horner's rule)
Convert decimal number (integer and fraction) to radix R
"Easy" powers of 2 conversions between binary, oct, and hex
Add, subtract and multiply radix R numbers
BCD addition (rule of 6)

Chapter 2

Boolean Algebra (BA) identities (all the easy ones)
Distributive identity: x+yz = (x+y)(x+z)
DeMorgan: (xy)' = x' + y'... (x+y)' = x'y'
Consensus Theorem: xy+x'z+yz = xy+x'z
Determine the dual of a Boolean equation
Complement a Boolean equation (DeMorgan, with duals)
Interchange freely between any of these forms: Boolean function, truth table, SOP minterms, POS maxterms
Determine the K-Map of a Boolean function
Use the K-Map to minimize a Boolean function (PI's, EPI, selection rule)
Convert AND-OR network or SOP Boolean function to NAND-NAND circuit
Convert OR-AND network or POS Boolean function to NOR-NOR circuit

Chapter 3

Use decoders: vanilla "minterm generators", negative logic, w/ enable
Use encoders: "minterm consumers", priority encoders
Use muxes:
Build larger decoders, muxes from smaller ones
Implement a Boolean function using decoders, muxes
Use binary adder: half adder, full adder, ripple carry adder
Understand Carry Lookahead Adder: propagate/generate
Signed number representation: radix complement, radix-diminished complement
Convert between signed binary number and 1's complement, 2's complement
Binary subtraction: signed-magnitude, 1's complement, 2's complement
Binary multiplication: using gates, using adders