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"n to m Decoder"

Block diagram:

n inputs
m (<= 2n) outputs
Each output is a minterm of n... decoder is a "minterm generator"
Implementation is straightforward: SOP form built directly with AND, OR gates
Often an enable bit is added to turn the decoder on/off

Use decoders as a quick and dirty way to implement functions... example:

F = SUM( m0, m3, m5, m6)

Implement this with a 3-to-8 decoder... the outputs are the minterms, you supply the or gate.

Negative Logic Decoder

Building the decoder with NAND gates, inverts the outputs... circuit diagram for a 2-to-4 decoder bult with NAND gates:

Figure 3-14, p. 113

What's the point?

Cheaper to build with NAND gates in many technologies
What's the complement of m0 (minterm zero)? It's M0 (maxterm zero), of course.
So, this decoder can be used to implement POS functions

POS example:

F = SUM( m1, m4, m6)

F' = SUM( m0, m2, m3, m5, m7)

F' = PRODUCT( M1, M4, M6)

Using F' we can invert the POS maxterms result from our decoder with NAND gates, giving us the following circuit:

Combining Decoders

You can combine smaller decoders to build larger ones.

Example: Build a 3-to-8 decoder using two 2-to-4 decoders with enables

Figure 3-15, p. 114

Lower-order bits (A0, A1) are the data bits
High-order bit (A2) selects the low-order minterms to be used