

Homework, schmomework... now, in reverse chronological order!


HW #13 due Wed Mar 6

Lucky 13, the last homework... In class Monday, we will touch each of these problems. In problems with multiple parts, we will complete the first one or two. Please come prepared Monday to go to the board and work these problems out. Thanks... yow, bill

  • From Chapter 10:
Prob Comment
10-1 Decipher CISC machine code
10-2 CISC instruction format
10-4 Addressing modes
10-5 Assembly code
10-8 ASM for CISC instructions
10-17 RISC pipeline processing
10-18 Ditto
10-11 CSC 580 design problem(s)

Only problems a) - c)... unless you can find where the behavior of SUBB in problem d) is definitively specified.


HW #12 due Wed Feb 27

  • From Chapter 9:
Prob Comment
9-1 Do all three parts: a, b, and c
9-4 Again three parts: a, b, and c
9-11 Instruction word design
9-21 Handling floating point numbers
9-23 More floating point


CSC 580 design problem(s)

2 problems this time: One on simulating a stack architecture and a problem about the IEEE representation of floating point numbers.

  • My solution: HW #12 solution

HW #11 due Mon Feb 25

  • From Chapter 8:
Prob Comment
8-2 ASM simulation; the problem carries over the to next page
8-3 ASM to state table
8-10 1 flipflop per state design; use the web solution to 8-5 as a starting point
8-31 Computer design trivia
8-34 Simulate single-cycle computer instructions
8-19 CSC 580 design problem

Design the datapath, ASM for control signals and sequencing, and implement with single flipflop per state methodology

  • My solution: HW #11 solution

HW #10 due Wed Feb 11, 2002

  • From Chapter 7:
Prob Comment
7-3 RTL design
7-4 RTL design
7-6(b) RTL design, only part (b)
7-14 RTL design, busses
7-27 Encoding control words
7-28 Decoding control words


HW #9 due Mon Feb 9, 2002

  • From Chapter 6 in the text:
Prob Comment
6-1 RAM Basics
6-2 More RAM basics
6-9 Still more RAM basics
6-11 ROM building
6-14 Comb logic using ROMs
6-15 Comb logic using PLAs... can you do this in 4 PLA rows?
6-19 Comb logic using PALs
  • My solution: HW #9 solution

HW #8 due Wed Feb 4, 2002

  • From Chapter 5 in our text:
Prob Comment
5-4 Shift register basics
5-11 You just have to figure out one of the four bits as they are all the same, like Figure 5-7. In fact, you can even use a Mux like that figure if you like.
5-18 FYI: The T flipflop characteristic table is found on page 199.
5-21 Counter design with JK flipflops
5-22 Don't worry about the second part, just modify the counter in Figure 5-12 to count from 0000 to 1001, repeating... this is easy
5-28 Basic counter design... 
  • My solution: HW #8 solution

HW #7 due Mon Feb 2, 2002

  • From Chapter 4 in our text:
Prob Comment
4-10 Flipflop basics
4-11 Analyze flipflop input equations
4-18 JK flipflops
4-19 Sequential design problem with D flipflops; Please do 4-19 using JK flipflops too!

Note: Looks like there's a teeny K-Map error in the book's web site answer, so don't freak out. 

4-24 Analyze a state diagram
  • My solution: HW #7 solution

HW #6 due Wed Jan 23, 2002

  • Design your own homework special! Create three homework problems.... one each from:
    • Chapter 1: radix conversion, add/subtract, BCD shenanigans
    • Chapter 2: boolean minimization, K-Maps, NAND/NOR implementation
    • Chapter 3: decoders, muxes, adder/subtractors

You must, of course, provide a solution with your homework problem. During class,  we (the class and/or instructor... oh my!) will solve (attempt?) at least one of your homework problems. I will post the best problems from the class on our site.


HW #5 due Mon Jan 21, 2002

  • From Chapter 3 in the text...
Prob Comment
3-17 Logic design with Decoders
3-18 Logic design with Decoders
3-28 Logic design with Muxes
3-36 Just a fun logic design exercise
3-39 2's complement subtraction
  • My solution: HW #5 solution

HW #4 due Wed Jan 16, 2002

  • From Chapter 3 in the text...
Prob Comment
3-1 Basic logic
3-2 Logic minimization
3-6 Logic minimization
3-10 Logic design
3-11 Logic design
3-14 Muxes
  • My solution: HW #4 solution

Hw #3 due Mon Jan 14, 2002

  • From Chapter 2 in our text...
Prob Comment
2-6 Boolean algebra
2-9 DeMorgan's Theorem
2-17 K-maps
2-20 K-maps
2-27 Nand/nor gates
2-32 Nand/nor gates
  • My solution: HW #3 solution

HW #2 due Wed Jan 9, 2002

  • From Chapter 2 in our text...
Prob Comment
2-2 Boolean algebra
2-8 DeMorgan's Theorem
2-10 Minterms/maxterms
2-13 Logic gates (use your templates!)
2-15 K-maps
  • My solution: HW #2 solution


HW #1 due Mon Jan 7, 2002 

  • From Chapter 1 in our text...
Prob Comment
1-3 Number ranges
1-7 Base conversion
1-8 Add, sub, multiply
1-12 Binary division
1-13 Base conversion
1-17 BCD addition
1-20 BCD numbers
1-22 ASCII code
1-23 Potpourri
  • My solution: HW #1 solution