ifs 115 overview


Communication is key:

the course


Here's the "official" North Central College definition of our course:

115 Web Page Development (1.50)
A hands-on course which enable students to create their own WWW pages. Includes an introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web; HTML and HTML editors; artistic, organizational, technical and ethical considerations of web site design. Major project. Prerequisite: Familiarity with computers and MS-WORD. Offered: Annually.


We will be meeting from 8:30 am to noon every other Saturday morning: Jan 12, Jan 26, Feb 9, Feb 23, and Mar 9.


Lecture will be held at 13 Carnegie. Lab is at 210 Carnegie.


Our textbook is "Microsoft FrontPage 2000" by Evans, Barron, Lyskawa.

The book was available at the NCC bookstore last time I checked.

the instructor

My name is Bill Krieger.

To contact me, the best way is via email: wikrieger@noctrl.edu

My web page at North Central College is at: william.krieger.faculty.noctrl.edu

My office is located at Carnegie 310-D.

My office hours are: MW 5:30-6:30 or by appointment. I will also office hours from 8:30 - noon on Saturdays Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 2... if you haven't figured it out, these are the Saturdays we aren't meeting for our regularly schedule class.

I do not allot more time for fixed office hours, so that I can more flexibly respond to your requests for time.

My teaching philosophy: 1) learn the stuff, 2) show it (get a good grade), 3) have fun.


Course grades will be based on the standard A = 90%, B = 80%, C = 70%, D = 60%...

Your grade will be comprised of three equal parts

Homework/Lab 1/3
Project 1/3
Final exam 1/3

Revised Grades: Here's more details on the grading:

Task Points Notes
Homework/Lab 20 points 4 homework assignments at 5 points each
Lab 15 points 5 lab sessions at 3 points each
Project 35 points Project includes design plan, storyboard, prototyping milestones, your final site and presentation of your area of specialization
Final exam 30 points Final exam given at the last class
100 points