Final Project Evaluation Guidelines

This page aspires to give you direction in how your final IFS 115 project will be graded.

The final project consists of:

  1. Your web site
  2. Your Area of Specialization

1. Evaluating your web site

The two biggest criteria are subjective, of course: complexity and general appearance.

Complexity - This is hard to quantify, so I will nudge you prior to your final presentation if this is a problem.
Appearance - Within the constraints of functionality, I will grade how effectively your site projects your goal and theme.

Your site is required to have the following:

Must be available solely from your w:/index.htm
Must be available from
Must have your email on the main page
Must have links to your ifs115 work on the main page
Must not have broken links
Must support both Microsoft and Netscape browsers, unless otherwise designated in your Project Design Plan

Your web site will also be evaluated on the following points (most of which come from class lectures):

Project Design Plan
Available from your ifs115 link
Complete and descriptive of your site
Storyboards (hand these in separately, does not have to be available online)
Clear theme
Clear organization
Consistent style
Images used where possible
Minimize redundant content
Reasonable sizes for all images
Resizing not done by your browser
Beware exotic fonts that may not be available everywhere
Readable font and background contrast
Alt text for images
Change link color when page visited
Meaningful link text
Note if link is not a web page or really large
Navigation area prominent
Use images for links where possible
Meaningful page titles
Last update information (optional)

Finally, you will present your web site to the class:

Describe the elements of your plan that are present in your site: goals, theme, intended audience, etc.
Describe any special technical aspects to your site
Describe how you built the site: hardest part, easiest part, what you learned, what you like about the site and not, etc.

2. Evaluating your Area of Specialization (AOS)

For your AOS, you must:
Include aspects of your AOS in your web site
Complete a slide presentation of your AOS using HTML (approx 10 slides)
Present your AOS to the class (approx. 10 minutes, at least 5 minutes)
Give me a copy of your slides on a floppy (from the A: drive)


* Extra Credit

I will give you 3 points extra credit if you publish your site somewhere other than North Central... GeoCities, AOL, wherever... send me the URL where your site resides and the 3 points are added to your total.