Evaluation Sites

You might find these sites useful in adding to your own web design guidelines:

World Best Websites - http://www.worldsbestwebsites.com 

Funny, their site isn't that nice, but click on "Criteria" for some excellent guidelines that they use to evaluate web sites.


Web Site Garage - http://websitegarage.netscape.com 

You tell the "Garage" where your web page is, and it tells you how compatible it is with the most popular browsers.

It's provided by Netscape to show people how proprietary Microsoft technology is.


Web safe color table - http://www.iconbazaar.com/color_tables 

A site that provides the 216 colors that is the least common denominator among all computer displays and web browsers.


Vincent Flanders sites - www.fixingyourwebsite.com & www.websitesthatsuck.com 

The "sucky" site is fairly famous but not all that useful... the more positive "fixing" site seems to have a trove of useful information


Macromedia Flash showcase - www.macromedia.com/showcase 

Awards given by Macromedia for excellent examples of sites using their Flash product


Best of the Web - www.botw.org 

I think that this site has stopped posting new sites


The Webby Awards - www.webbyawards.com 

A very high profile web design award site for mostly large, corporate sites though


Google - www.google.com 

The best search engine around... I include it because if you're doing research on the web, regardless of topic, you should include Google in your research toolbox



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