Hyperlinks Guidelines

Guidelines related to hyperlinks on your page(s)...

Change link color when visited Many users expect this

Makes your site less confusing


No generic links Instead of click here try click here for Bill's Lecture

Or, instead of More... try More Photos

Not Links try Some really useful sites


Tell the user if link doesn't go to a web page If a hyperlink takes the user to some special type of page, then note that... examples: PDF, Office files, Flash, audio, etc.


Place navigation area in a highly visible spot If your hyperlinks are collected in one "navigation area", then place this in a prominent location on your page

If you use the navigation area throughout your site, place it on the same place in all the pages that use it


Avoid links to the current page Navigation area may include a link to the current page... disable it


Shopping cart links at the top Currently, a very common practice


Use images for hyperlinks Where possible



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