The Battle

Hey, this is fun...

  1. Web design is fun
  2. Computers are fun
  3. FrontPage (and other WYSIWYG editors) are fun

All these things were designed to be fun and easy to use... 

it's a big reason why they are all so popular.


It's fun to... just do it

2 Postulates

Centuries of designing "things" shows:

  1. The more planning and thought put into your design up front, the better the result.
  2. The larger the project... the more important postulate 1 is.

The Most Important Design Tools

With all the advances in computers, networking, telecommunications, software, etc... the most important design tool that you have is:

Pen or pencil


In software design, there is an incredible lure to write software before thinking it out. Why?

It's fun to actually sit down and write code. It's less fun to plan the code out before working on it.

This is probably the number one mistake that software designers make.

The Battle

So, the battle lines are drawn:

Instant gratification and fun


Planning and getting a good design

Planning and fun can, however, co-exist...

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