Mucho ImportanteOct 23, 2001... Young Bill Krieger Mucho importante draft info for you! First, NBA rosters... these are the players available to be drafted on Saturday (note: I will provide everyone a copy of the rosters on draft morning!): NBA Rosters (Excel spreadsheet) If you see mistakes in the NBA rosters, email me or bring them to the draft. This will be the "official" list of players that can be chosen. Remember, positions are set before the draft and cannot be changed afterward. Second, NBA stats... players (at each position) sorted by last year's stats: NBA 2000-01 Stats (Excel spreadsheet) NBA Centers 2000-01 stats (web page) NBA Guards 2000-01 stats (web page) NBA Forwards 2000-01 stats (web page) Please note that the "official" player positions are in the roster files, not the stats files... in case you find a conflict. I've talked to some of you, and the economy and "dot com" collapse seems to have swept up most of the sources of good fantasy information. I can't find a good magazine to save my fantasy soul. So, here's some tips on scouting info for your team:
Just FYI... See y'all Saturday, tipoff at 9:00 am. yow, bill