Beaters Fumble Game One; Thong win 98-87

Bill Krieger... May 19, 1999

Beachcombers and former Nederlanders alike were joyous last night as Aruba squeeked out an improbable victory in game 1 of the NIBL Championship over favored West Chicago WifeBeaters 98-87. West Chicago, jumping on the back of Alan Iverson, had pulled out to an early lead, but saw that lead evaporate.

The sands of Aruba were jumping as the Thong was led by outstanding performances from their two B's... Brian Grant with 28 and Bryon Russell with 28. Derek Fisher also contributed 22 nibls to the comeback Thong victory. Even Greg Anthony contributed 12 nibls which was enough to outscore West Chicago's Grant Long, Marcus Camby, and Jaren Jackson.

Alan Iverson more than carried the load for West Chicago as he tallied 47 nibls. Unfortunately for the Beaters, 47 nibls was more than West Chicago would recevie from its other four players combined. West Chicago stars in round one, Grant Long and Marcus Camby, were able to manage a pathetic 11 and 6 nibls each.

The Championship series now moves from the beautiful beaches of Aruba to the parking lots of West Chicago where the Beaters will hope to intimidate the Thong into a series-tying loss. The Thong, underdogs still, have to hope either Iverson comes down to earth or the rest of the Beater team continues to under-achieve. West Chicago knows Iverson can score, but need at least a pulse from the rest of their team... Film at eleven.

yow, bill

PS - A quick favor, it you please... Can you just take a quick moment out of your busy day to send some negative energy toward the Utah Jazz... grab a Stockton voodoo doll, or punch a Mormon, whatever. The Chicago Bulls proved the Jazz to be pretenders the last two years, and it would be a shame for a dirty, whining set of losers like Malone and Stockton to get a ring now. Go Portland!