NIBL Bylaws Updated

Bill Krieger... Feb 11, 1999

The NIBL Bylaws have been updated to reflect the 1999 changes.

NIBL Bylaws

I did some bogus fomatting and shuffling, but there are two significant changes

Roster Moves

You can check out the nitty-gritty in the Bylaws, but here's my summary:

  • Each team may make only two roster changes a year
  • Roster changes are made (league-wide) once a week
  • Email me any changes by Friday midnight
  • On Saturday, I'll process all the requests and email all accepted roster moves
  • If more than one team requests the same player, then the winning team is chosen at random
  • Discarded players are made available during the next week
  • All roster changes must be made prior to the last 4 games of the regular season
  • One change for the first week. I said during the draft that roster moves would start Saturday, so for the first week only, I'll accept all roster moves until Saturday at noon. I'll announce the moves Saturday afternoon.

    For all you owners who sent in roster moves during the week, the slate is clean re-send any moves you really want to make.

    A quick note on rationale... We wanted to avoid some of the shenanigans from Steve's football league regarding the timing of roster moves. Now, since all moves are made at the same time, there is not issue of who called who or who sent in what email first. Also, as a courtesy, if I make a roster move, I will communicate it to another NIBL owner more than 24 hours before the deadline, so if you're worried about your humble commissioner's motives, email me your roster moves on Friday.

    Sixth Man

    I think y'all get this. From the Bylaws,

    • Article 5.4. - Each team owner may also select a 6th man, of any position, to play during the game-week. If a player from the team's starting lineup plays zero minutes in one of his selected games (thereby receiving a zero score), then the score from team's 6th man's first NBA game of the week is used. If a second zero is received by any player in the starting lineup, then the score fom the 6th man's second NBA game of the week is used.
    • Article 5.11 - If a lineup contains a player known to be injured or unavailable, then the team's 6th man does not take that player's place. The intent of the 6th man is to replace player's injured or made unavailable during the game-week, not before.

    Boxscores will cmoe eventually... assuming I ever get a chance to code this weekend.

    Yow, Bill

    PS - NIBL owners - email me some notes!

    PPS - Johnny Rai... sorry I schlepped this together, but I'm getting roster request up the wazoo, so I wanted to get it out. Check out the changes and let me know if anything is screwy.