Results 2K |
Here are the game results for the UFFL 2000 season...
Week 1 Results |
Peoria 30, Coal City 20 (boxscore) |
Joliet 35, Orland Park 33 (boxscore) |
La Grange 38, McElmo 18 (boxscore) |
Tempe 49, Minooka 31 (boxscore) |
Boston 32, Rockford 23 (boxscore) |
Maryland 31, Santa Fe 27 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 32, Hammond 20 (boxscore) |
Madison 57, Black River 32 (boxscore) |
Week 2 Results |
Orland Park 32, Coal City 24 (boxscore) |
Joliet 39, Peoria 32 (boxscore) |
McElmo 41, Minooka 38 (boxscore) |
Tempe 49, La Grange 40 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 44, Rockford 39 (boxscore) |
Boston 26, Maryland 15 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 44, Madison 40 (boxscore) |
Hammond 45, Black River 37 (boxscore) |
Week 3 Results |
Coal City 49, Joliet 37 (boxscore) |
Peoria 35, Orland Park 18 (boxscore) |
Tempe 19, McElmo 19 (boxscore) |
La Grange 22, Minooka 5 (boxscore) |
Maryland 37, Rockford 19 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 32, Boston 18 (boxscore) |
Black River 33, Bolingbrook 29 (boxscore) |
Madison 21, Hammond 14 (boxscore) |
Week 4 Results |
Coal City 42, McElmo 35 (boxscore) |
La Grange 43, Peoria 31 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 26, Minooka 13 (boxscore) |
Joliet 60, Tempe 38 (boxscore) |
Rockford 31, Bolingbrook 26 (boxscore) |
Hammond 53, Boston 46 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 43, Madison 19 (boxscore) |
Maryland 31, Black River 30 (boxscore) |
Week 5 Results |
Coal City 29, Santa Fe 28 (boxscore) |
Peoria 34, Maryland 20 (boxscore) |
McElmo 25, Orland Park 21 (boxscore) |
La Grange 39, Joliet 37 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 87, Minooka 26 (boxscore) |
Hammond 56, Tempe 22 (boxscore) |
Madison 39, Rockford 27 (boxscore) |
Boston 51, Black River 28 (boxscore) |
Week 6 Results |
Coal City 31, Minooka 14 (boxscore) |
Tempe 40, Peoria 26 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 44, Rockford 16 (boxscore) |
Boston 41, Joliet 21 (boxscore) |
McElmo 27, Madison 23 (boxscore) |
Black River 39, La Grange 9 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 45, Santa Fe 32 (boxscore) |
Maryland 57, Hammond 26 (boxscore) |
Week 7 Results |
Coal City 45, Rockford 44 (boxscore) |
Boston 42, Peoria 17 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 58, Santa Fe 30 (boxscore) |
Maryland 39, Joliet 34 (boxscore) |
McElmo 21, Bolingbrook 19 (boxscore) |
La Grange 31, Hammond 23 (boxscore) |
Madison 44, Minooka 41 (boxscore) |
Tempe 27, Black River 17 (boxscore) |
Week 8 Results |
Hammond 78, Coal City 53 (boxscore) |
Black River 26, Peoria 6 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 33, Madison 29 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 52, Joliet 19 (boxscore) |
McElmo 51, Rockford 32 (boxscore) |
La Grange 41, Boston 13 (boxscore) |
Maryland 49, Minooka 29 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 48, Tempe 15 (boxscore) |
Week 9 Results |
Coal City 39, Boston 8 (boxscore) |
Peoria 29, Santa Fe 20 (boxscore) |
Maryland 32, Orland Park 27 (boxscore) |
Joliet 23, McElmo 22 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 71, La Grange 24 (boxscore) |
Minooka 30, Hammond 29 (boxscore) |
Madison 36, Tempe 31 (boxscore) |
Rockford 38, Black River 16 (boxscore) |
Week 10 Results |
Coal City 22, Tempe 11 (boxscore) |
Peoria 37, Rockford 22 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 40, Boston 28 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 53, Joliet 26 (boxscore) |
McElmo 51, Hammond 9 (boxscore) |
La Grange 26, Madison 23 (boxscore) |
Minooka 48, Black River 40 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 40, Maryland 14 (boxscore) |
Week 11 Results |
Maryland 22, Coal City 22 (boxscore) |
Peoria 50, McElmo 43 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 25, La Grange 15 (boxscore) |
Joliet 44, Minooka 29 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 40, Tempe 33 (boxscore) |
Hammond 20, Rockford 12 (boxscore) |
Madison 37, Boston 21 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 34, Black River 27 (boxscore) |
Week 12 Results |
La Grange 31, Coal City 22 (boxscore) |
Minooka 61, Peoria 25 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 43, Tempe 25 (boxscore) |
Joliet 34, Rockford 14 (boxscore) |
McElmo 26, Black River 23 (boxscore) |
Boston 39, Bolingbrook 25 (boxscore) |
Hammond 18, Santa Fe 17 (boxscore) |
Madison 34, Maryland 24 (boxscore) |
Week 13 Results |
Coal City 26, Peoria 22 (boxscore) |
Orland Park 44, Joliet 44 (boxscore) |
McElmo 53, La Grange 28 (boxscore) |
Tempe 34, Minooka 26 (boxscore) |
Rockford 64, Boston 36 (boxscore) |
Santa Fe 32, Maryland 18 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 34, Hammond 32 (boxscore) |
Madison 42, Black River 32 (boxscore) |
Week 14 Results |
Orland Park 34, Coal City 32 (boxscore) |
Joliet 21, Peoria 17 (boxscore) |
Minooka 41, McElmo 25 (boxscore) |
La Grange 34, Tempe 30 (boxscore) |
Rockford 46, Santa Fe 10 (boxscore) |
Boston 44, Maryland 19 (boxscore) |
Madison 26, Bolingbrook 18 (boxscore) |
Hammond 21, Black River 14 (boxscore) |
Week 15 Results |
Coal City 20, Joliet 6 (boxscore) |
Peoria 53, Orland Park 33 (boxscore) |
Tempe 41, McElmo 32 (boxscore) |
La Grange 35, Minooka 30 (boxscore) |
Rockford 35, Maryland 28 (boxscore) |
Boston 39, Santa Fe 34 (boxscore) |
Bolingbrook 41, Black River 31 (boxscore) |
Madison 55, Hammond 37 (boxscore) |
UFFL 2K Playoffs |
Boston 42, La Grange 23 (boxscore) |
Madison 74, Orland Park 45 (boxscore) |
UFFL 2K Mother Bowl |
Madison Blues 54, Boston Brigands 31 (boxscore) |
Updated: 12/12/2000