Notes by Steve
Tucker... Dec 29, 1998
From the
Commissioners Desk
The season is over, the
playoffs are done and Mother Bowl IX has been
decided. Time for the post season party! It is
being held in the brand new Commissioners Office. While Bill puts the main web site to
rest for the off season, the office is finally
open for all to come in and help prepare for our
10th anniversary year. I will need
input from all owners on their team pages. I have
a prototype team page in progress for the
winningest team in UFFL history. The Madison
Blues. You can view that from the Commissioners Office. A lot will be happening this
off-season so come on in and enjoy the party then
join in on the web site off season conditioning
program and get ready for an even more amazing
1999 Draft Order
Before I list this let me
explain how the five-team tie was taken care. The
first tie breaker is "win-loss record
against other teams in the tie." Since there
were five of us it changed some things. Some of
the teams draft after other teams that beat them
straight up, but when all five teams are thrown
into the equation together, as they have to be,
it made an interesting dilemma. It was resolved
in the following manner;
Black River - L mad, L sw, W lag, L mad, L min
1-4 .200
La Grange - W min, L br, W min, L sw, L mad
2-3 .400
Minooka - L lag, W sw, L lag, W mad, W br 3-2
South Willy - W br, L min, W lag 2-1 .667
Madison - W br, W br, L min, W lag 3-1 .750
Questions, comments and
frivolities will be welcomed in the Commissioners Office.
- Coal City Coalers
- Hammond Beans
- Lockport Hilltoppers
- Boston Brigands
- Black River Vipers
- La Grange Eliminators
- Minooka Maulers
- South Wilmington Coyotes
- Madison Blues
- Rockford Rump Humpers
- Joliet Jammers
- Peoria Stormin
- Bolingbrook Bashers
- McElmo Bone Crushin'
Kisses and Hugs
I thank you all for a great
season once again and look forward to a return by
all teams next year. If anyone is not planning to
return I would appreciate that info now as it
affects draft order, time spent on team pages and
stuff like that.
Access the Exalted High
Commissioners Office by clicking on the
hyperlink Commissioners Office or by typing in the address
Bookmark it for frequent use or
just make it your home page.
If you liked the web site this
year, help make it even more amazing for next
Steve Tucker
Ps To the winners
um, the
check is in the mail or something like that.
PPS Thanks again to webmaster
Bill. Your work and assistance has been
invaluable and most appreciated. I look forward
to more. I think I'm finally starting to catch
on. I mean, its not like you have a NIBL to
play with this year. Unfortunately.
Notes by Bill Krieger... Dec 29, 1998
McElmo wins. McElmo wins. McElmo wins.
Beyond busy... more later.
Yow, Bill