Payton34 2007 Team Standings

Week 12
Team Owner Win Loss Tie Percent Points Points
per game
Cincy Dark Cobras Ty & Justin 9 3 0 0.750 764 63.7 660
St. Charles Sapphire Myles Schoonover 7 3 2 0.700 744 62.0 607
Plainfield Gorillaz Mark Krieger 8 4 0 0.667 595 49.6 504
Naperville Zeppelin Bill Krieger 7 5 0 0.583 785 65.4 661
KGG II Chris Martin 7 5 0 0.583 671 55.9 575
Mellonville LaRues Eric Schoonover 6 5 1 0.545 770 64.2 680
ConnVicks Jay Cervenka 4 8 0 0.333 675 56.3 804
Hilltoppers Greg R. 4 8 0 0.333 631 52.6 847
Palatine Palladin Aaron Ziemke 3 8 1 0.273 540 45.0 727
Lawn Rangers Daryl Ziemke 3 9 0 0.250 566 47.2 676
AVERAGE 674.1 56.2 674.1
MAX 785.0 65.4 847.0
MIN 540.0 45.0 504.0
cin=Cincy, con=ConnVicks, hil=Hilltoppers,
kgg=KGG II, law=Lawn Rangers, mel=Mellonville, nap=Naperville, pal=Palatine, pla=Plainfield,
sai=St. Charles
This Week's Results
Team1 Score1 Team2 Score2
nap 71 kgg 58
cin 67 con 54
pla 46 law 41
mel 51 sai 110
hil 62 pal 52
Week (weak) Notes:
St. Charles threw a temper tantrum and laid a 110 spot on his old man, beating Mellonville 110, 51. Ouch. That's a new record for weekly scoring.
Plainfield continued to scurry toward the playoffs, scoring barely enough to win in a 46-41 yawner over the Lawn Ranger.
In what is becoming a perennial grudge match, the Zeppelin swept the season series over KGG II with a convincing 71-58 victory.