Payton34 2007 Team Standings

Week 2
Team Owner Win Loss Tie Percent Points Points
per game
Mellonville LaRues Eric Schoonover 2 0 0 1.000 176 88.0 92
Cincy Dark Cobras Ty & Justin 2 0 0 1.000 157 78.5 103
KGG II Chris Martin 2 0 0 1.000 119 59.5 95
Naperville Zeppelin Bill Krieger 1 1 0 0.500 159 79.5 126
Lawn Rangers Daryl Ziemke 1 1 0 0.500 125 62.5 100
St. Charles Sapphire Myles Schoonover 1 1 0 0.500 108 54.0 123
Hilltoppers Greg R. 1 1 0 0.500 107 53.5 155
Plainfield Gorillaz Mark Krieger 0 2 0 0.000 107 53.5 113
ConnVicks Jay Cervenka 0 2 0 0.000 98 49.0 164
Palatine Palladin Aaron Ziemke 0 2 0 0.000 68 34.0 153
AVERAGE 122.4 61.2 122.4
MAX 176.0 88.0 164.0
MIN 68.0 34.0 92.0
cin=Cincy, con=ConnVicks, hil=Hilltoppers,
kgg=KGG II, law=Lawn Rangers, mel=Mellonville, nap=Naperville, pal=Palatine, pla=Plainfield,
sai=St. Charles
This Week's Results
Team1 Score1 Team2 Score2
nap 89 con 54
cin 85 pal 33
kgg 56 law 50
pla 60 sai 63
mel 108 hil 57
Week (weak) Notes:
The Larues set the scoring standard high with 108 points this week.
And yet, Cincy won by even more points than Mellonvile. They beat up Palatine 85-33.
Another blowout: Zep 89, ConnVick 54.
St. Charles likes to win small, taking the Gorillaz 63-60.