Season stats
This page holds the extra stats that I collect every week during the regular season. I'm the only one goofy enough to look at this page, so that takes the pressure off. Ha!
Raw data
First off, here's the raw data. I snag the Yahoo scoring summaries of all the games for each week. Copy, paste. Copy-paste.
Weekly stats
Stats in this table are updated weekly. The explanation of all this is below the table.
In most of the stat files, really good or best performance is colored red hot. Bad, or league-worst, stats are colored ice cold.
Each column in the stats table above:
Standings - This is the easiest. It's the league standings for each week.
Averages - This table lists each team's average weekly performance in each category.
NIPR - New and Improved Power Ranking = NIPR. This is my most complex stat. There's a longer, better explanation at the end of each file. Basically, NIPR ranking and score removes the head-to-head part of our league and compares team performance based on season stats only... sort of like rotisserie. A team's NIPR ranking shows how the team compares to the rest of the league using only season stats. Hit that explanation in the file for more details. Or email me:
Heat map - The heat map is different. It shows each team's performance only over the last 4 weeks. Colors show red hot performance that is one standard deviation better than average. And ice cold blue shows performance that is one standard deviation below average.
Nerdy fun!
thanks... yow, bill