LetsPlay3 Fantasy Baseball - 2012 Season

Welcome to our 8th season of fantasy baseball. We're on Yahoo: baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/letsplay3

The theme for this year's aux page is the 1962 Chicago Cub. Goto the Etc page for more fun 1962 Cub info.

enjoy... yow, bill

3B Ron Santo
Ron Santo
Regular Season
1B Ernie Banks
Ernie Banks
LF Billy Williams

Billy Williams
CF Lou Brock
Lou Brock


Postscript - This is pretty nerdy. So be it.

We changed our draft this year from snake to straight format. There were two notions:

  1. We wanted to give the lower ranked teams a greater advantage in the draft

  2. No "real" sport uses a snake draft

The impact of this change... the correlation between a team's draft position and its final regular season position in the standings was (crazy) close to 0. This means that a team's position in the draft had no impact on a team's record during the regular season.

Here's the raw spreadsheet data, for grins: correlation.csv


Bottom line: The draft order change was a great success.

thanks... yow, bill

fantasy baseball at williamt: www.williamt.com/fantasy/baseball